Personalized asthma guidance for patients and healthcare providers, instantly and at the point of care
The Electronic Asthma Management System (eAMS) is a disease management and clinical decision support system tool to improve health outcomes for patients with asthma. The eAMS is comprised of three parts:
- Patients fill out a simple questionnaire before their primary care appointment through the eAMS platform or app.
- A set of computer algorithms process patient responses to produce recommendations for their provider on how their care can be improved, as well as a personalized asthma action plan for what patients should do when their asthma flares up.
- These recommendations are integrated into the provider’s electronic medical record system
Through the eAMS, clinicians are able to receive guideline-based asthma advice at the point-of-care. As well, it leads to patient autonomy while avoiding unnecessary physician and hospital visits.
To learn more, please visit: www.easthma.ca