Toronto, Ontario

BeWell: an inclusive mental health text messaging program that provides support, promotes curated mental health resources and provides wellness supports

MEMOTEXT’s BeWell Mental health intervention is a dynamic text-messaging service with supporting online assessments that match users, staff, students and patients with digital mental wellness tools. Co-created by The University of Saskatchewan, The Centre for Addiction and Mental Health (CAMH) and MEMOTEXT Corp, the secure mental health check-in, support and recommendation tool was developed based on a Canadian Institutes for Health Research (CIHR) funded research grant with Dr. Tracie Risling and Dr. Gillian Strudwick.

We have reached a low point in terms of pandemic-related mental health impacts experienced by individuals due to stress, anxiety, depression and the consequences of social isolation, as well as changes in daily life. With increasing amounts of information circulating, the potential for misinformation also contributes to the strain associated with the new pandemic lifestyle.

MEMOTEXT’s BeWell Mental health intervention is a secure SMS service that listens, learns and guides employees to curated mental health resources and benefits available to them. Recommendations take into consideration the employee’s demographics and mental health needs to regularly connect them with the most relevant tools.

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